We became 'p-r-e-t-t-y c-l-o-s-e'. In a friendship relationship way. OK, OK, don't be confused. I'll start from where I left you off. I really like my apartment a lot which I was able to afford thanks to his negotiation skills. (Which I have to admit, he is brilliant at this and to be fair this is a skill I do not posses.) Oh, about work too. I'm more comfortable in my job now than the last one I was in. I meet with him quiet often now. Not that is my main focus or anything but I like seeing him around. We went out on some coffee dates. (I call them dates as an internal joke. He asked me once why I call it a date as going out with friends isn't something he calls a 'date'. I told him that setting some time to go and do something with a friend or even yourself that you enjoy or slowing down is called a date. I enjoy going on dates a lot even though I have been single my entire life. He laughed at my explanation yet he liked how I'm thinking and he enjoyed coffee dates with me too.) I enjoy going on coffee dates with him too. I like talking to him in general. He is nice, he listens. I have to admit, he is more than a good looking face and a nice body. Just don't tell him I said that. Anyway, back to now. I bet you are wondering why I'm talking to you about all of that at 6 AM on a weekend day. It's because we are going out on a Yacht and I'm preparing my things. Not just the two of us, my circle of friends and his have some people in common so they prepared this trip as a get away on the weekend. I'm done. I think I'll go and have breakfast somewhere near. I'll wait there till it's time to meet him. we are going together to the harbor where we'll meet our friends.
I'm finally able to have coffee. I like the collection of coffee shops around here. I like them more early in the morning when there are fewer people around. It's quite and peaceful.
"I knew I'll find you here." A voice from behind me. "I'd like one of those too please" I'm not sure that was for me! Yp,, it's him.
'Of course you do' I reply. 'Where else would I be at a time like this? Home? As if!'
"Ha ha, and good morning to you too malady."
'Good morning sir.' I say smiling.
After that we had a nice chatty breakfast then went to his car and drove away.
"Come on, we don't want to be late!" One of my friends said dragging me into the yacht.
'OK, OK, coming.' I smiled at him as I'm going with her and It's about 9 AM now, not much has happened. The yacht just moved 5 minutes ago and I'm enjoying the the view of the ocean and gradually the disappearing land .
Some of us are going to change our clothes as we are going to dive, I don't think he is joining us now. He is standing there. He looks so cool and dreamy. Any way,,,,, my world doesn't revolve around him. I'm going to enjoy myself with my friends.
Around sun set..
What a day! We went swimming, diving and parasailing too. The lunch was BBQ which I appreciated a lot. It has been a while since I enjoyed my time with my friends.
"Come on, let's go. Or are you going back with one of them?" He said.
'No, I'm just getting my bag. Wait for me.'
"Would you like me to help?"
'No, I'm fine'
"Are you going out?" That's one of my friends who just said that.
'Of course not! My apartment is on his way. That's all.' I reply.
"No, I mean,,, you have a certain chemistry. Like for those who are going out."
'Do we? I didn't notice that.'
"You don't have to deny it. No one is pointing fingers. You are allowed to have your love life. I was just wondering."
I'm getting a bit irritated now. 'I'm not denying anything. I'm serious. I just enjoy his company, that's it. And you know I'm not ready to start any of these relationships no...'
"Hey, It's getting pretty late. Would you like to come with us. I'll drop you off wherever you want." He says cutting me off before completing my sentence from right behind me. Since when has he been here?
"Oh, no. My car is over there. I was just saying goodbye. So bye." She says.
'Ya bye.' I flashed a half-assed smile saying that.
"You are OK? I didn't mean to intrude but you looked pretty irritated just now so I thought I'd come to rescue." He says as we are entering his car.
'No, no.' Did he hear her???. 'We were just saying bye, that's all.'
"Sorry to rush you then."
'You didn't. It's fine.' It's really hard to read him at a time like this. We are driving to my house.
Now we just reached my apartment. I really enjoyed today so much (minus that little chat with her but talking to him on the way here took my mind away from it) but I didn't have enough of time with him... I have an idea.
'I have a nice Italian white wine bottle. would you like to try it?' I say.
"Are you inviting me to your apartment?" He replies with a smirk.
'We might as well drink it here if you prefer.' I say playfully.
"Well,, what a genius idea, yet I'd prefer your apartment more."
'OK then.' And there goes today...
