"Hello, we meet again." Says a voice out of the blue. Well, I'm kinda used to this by now. Well, I mean we met couple of times coincidentally here and there. Some of those times seem too unreal to be happening as if they are dreams, others seem as close as possible to reality.
'We meet too often to just say again. Good afternoon'
"Well, you seem to like this neighborhood a little bit too much. That's the main reason why we meet after all and Good afternoon to you too milady."
I look at him and giggle. He always has his ways of putting a smile on my face regardless of what's in my mind. When we meet we don't talk a lot so I totally appreciate the effort he puts in these small talks.
"So, you are out on a coffee break?"
'More like a lunch break, then I'll be meeting a client so I have a little bit more time than usual for my lunch'
"That's why you are here?"
'I really adore the cafes around here, they are worth the time from my workplace to here' and I hope to see you at those times too. Of course I won't say that out loud.
"Well then, since you have got some time on your hand, could I accompany you to lunch? I know a great place."
Why does he have to be cute? I really wonder.
'Ya, sure, if you are free.' I say begging myself not to sound so desperate.
"Very well. Follow me." He says with a smile. This will be the first time we will be sharing a meal together. I have to admit -as much as I don't want to- I have a soft spot for guys like him. You ask about the (like him) means? Cute, lovely, handsome, put together, the depth in his voice, great sense of humor and to top all of that his eyes, they are colored. I have a thing for guys with colored eyes as well as the amazing body, the broad shoulders and some other things that are left for the imagination.
"Here we are. Hope you didn't get bored" he says cutting my thoughts. Not that I'm sad or annoyed or anything. In a matter of fact I'm kinda hungry.
The place he chooses is kinda, you know... It's what they call high end. If I'm alone I wouldn't think about entering it. Well, I'm not sure If I can afford it. Well,,,, let's consider it a once in a while treat and stick with the lowest priced items on the menu, I think that will work without needing to break the bank. He enters and I'm right behind him exploring with my eyes the restaurant. I have to say, it's really nice here. He says something to the waiter but I can't hear him well. The waiter shows us to our table. Then after we settle in he handed us the menu.
"The place here is so nice and calm" he says cutting my Wowed silence.
'Ya, it really is, I do like it here' I say that while flipping through the menu and holly molly!!! The prices here is so reasonable! In a matter of fact I can afford it.
"And the prices here is very good too. Even though this place looks expensive and the food is great. The prices are not that high" he says and OK, was I that transparent?
I suddenly feel a little hot. 'Ya' I awkwardly say then return my eyes to the menu in front of me. We take out time deciding while he recommends to me what he tried and liked then he order for both of us. After that we start talking. I'm talking. To save you from the long conversation and my awkward responses. We are simply talking about his job and mine. I tell him a bit about my family and my dream flat I'm wishing to have by the end of this season. The food is really great and I was LITERALLY swimming in his eyes, his blue eyes looks like a Siberian Husky puppy. Is it a bad thing that I'm comparing him to a puppy? They both look cute. And shall I say this man is perfect! Everything around and about him looks amazing. I mean can anyone be that perfect? Oh wait,, I completely forget out second encounter. Well I like him as he is anyway. We finish our food. Now we are fighting about the bill. I want to split it and he wants to pay it all. Long story short I agree to him paying and I'll invite him for dinner in my new flat. This time he offers to exchange our phone numbers so we can meet outside of the coincidences for coffee. Now we both are heading in opposite direction to go back to work.
Dare I say that I officially made a new friend? I really like him so much and he is so easy going and nice to get along with. I can't wait for the next time we meet.
