The middle of mid-twenties. One of the milestones that you'll hit in your life, as long as you are alive.🤷♂️ The time when you are considered to be an adult yet most of us have no idea what they are doing. But I can fairly say that there are a couple of things that you can do before hitting this milestone. What I really like about this list is that it is achievable and checking each box of it feels good. So without further ado and in no specific order, let me tell you about the 25 things that I think everybody should do before reaching 25...
1. Fall passionately in love with someone or something.
Love is more of a general word than most think. Passionate love isn't just reserved for lovers. You can love a friend dearly. You can fall in love with a sport. Love is a feeling that's more rewarding and pushing forward. So you better experience it at least once in your youth. (Getting hurt is a part of the process so deal with it😂.)

2. Do voluntary work.
The second most rewarding feeling is to give and help those who are in need. Doing work with nothing in return gives you more than what you might expect. It can be with your college or a certain organization. There are endless options and the choice is yours.
3. Watch the sunrise.
I've always loved watching the sunset. The decaying of the last red ray gives the feeling of ending, reminding you that nothing lasts. On the other hand, the first golden ray of the sun gives a beautiful warm feeling of starting. After all the darkness in the world, there is still hope in new beginnings.

4. Travel.
Spread your wings. Borders are just lines on the map that the human-made. Break them yourself and go out to see the world. It doesn't have to be an international trip to have that experience. Going to the countryside or another city counts too.
5. Explore your surrounding/ Be a tourist in your own city.
Many of us overlook this experience. Since you are living there, you know it all. I highly doubt that. Your city offers more to you than you think. Just say "What would a tourist do?" and then keep swimming🐟.

6. Go to a theme park as an adult.
Let your inner child see the light once in a while. Whatever your age might be, you still need to scream once in a while with no judgment. This is a good opportunity😉.

7. Spend some quality time with your family.
The ones we live with and see every day, you might think you know everything about them. Let me tell you, they have some untold secrets waiting for you to reveal if asked correctly. They won't be here for long so,,, choose how you spend your time with them carefully.
8. Go on a date with a close friend you are not dating.
Contrary to your thoughts, dates aren't reserved for lovers only. You can go on a sweet bonding date with a friend. After all, what is a date? Walk, talk, have a meal and smile unreservedly from your heart. I'm telling you. It can be done with the right ones too.
9. Go on a solo date.
Enjoy your own company they say. Cliché, right? Wrong! You are living with you 24/7. You deserve to have some fun by yourself. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee alone, walk with the sunset, do something that is meaningful to you and only you. You deserve to have some me time and enjoy it.
10. Get to know yourself.
That goes along with the previous point. Did you know that you are a nice person?! Aaaaand what do we do when we meet a nice person? We get to know them. Explore yourself. Try finding the things you like and dislike, your best points and features, your type, your belief,,, etc. You dunno, you might discover something new to you or evermore, you might like what you find.
11. Go camping.
OK, hear me out. Disconnect from social media and connecting to yourself, get in tune with nature, away from the crowded city and car fumes, learn to listen to what really matters and sleep under the stars. Don't tell me that imagining that only didn't put you in a peaceful mood. Try it once,, it only has to be once. Try not to addict it is what I'm saying😁.

12. Go to a museum / concert / festival.
This is what I call disconnecting by connecting. There is something in it for everyone. And if you dunno what is your jam, try them all.

13. Try cooking.
Ah, the smell of spices, the happiness of a successful new recipe, the taste of a good food melting in your mouth and the frustration of precisely following everything they say yet it ended up as a complete failure. You are missing a lot if you didn't experience that! Try the easy recipes at first. Try different kitchens.
They say that the way to a man's heart is his stomach. I say that the way to every heart is the stomach.

14. Try something new.
We do so many things in our life. Most of us stay in our comfort zone or under the traditional/ known umbrella. So I dare you to try something out of the ordinary or at least out of your ordinary. It's always better to do that earlier in life when you can still be a bit flexible.
15. Do yoga or meditation.
Oh, ya. This is such a controversial subject. For those who don't know, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. Yoga is a flow of movement. It's a way to connect your mind and body with your breath. Meditation on the other hand is the seating thing where you can sit in stillness and breath. (Which is not quite accurate but I'll go with that as this is the common conception.)
What I'm saying is try one of them if not the two of them. They can be quite challenging. You dunno 😉.

16. Do something that you think you might regret tomorrow but your future self will thank you for it.
Ah, the thing that we dread the most. We know it's the right thing, yet we can't get ourselves to do it. Well, Do it! You know you'll thank yourself later🙄.
17. Smile from your heart.
Many of us wouldn't think much of this. Especially the crowd-pleasers. So simply what I'm saying is remember to let go of that self-consciousness of yours and have a good old laugh from the heart as much as possible.

18. Receive a hug from a child.
The most blissful thing that could ever happen to you. Children don't lie and always genuine and sincere so you know it's pure love. It might be conditional love due to bribing by candy but non the least, pure.

19. Get paid to do something you like.
They always say turn your hobby into something profitable. They are not wrong but my point is the feeling of it. Let me tell you that whatever you are offering, someone out there is in need of it and willing to pay you. So get over yourself. You'll never be good enough. You are a constantly developing process.
20. Binge watch your favorite movies or series.
Can't believe that there might be someone out there who might have not done that yet! This is a must, so Do It!
21. Do something that will make your heart race.
That rush of adrenaline😉. Don't make me say it twice. It might be once in a lifetime experience and you know it. But be careful, it's an addicting feeling.
22. Take care of your body.
Do something good to that body that is hosting your spirit. Serve it well when it's still young and it will serve you well when you are older.
23. Put effort in something you are not good at.
You know that thing. Either going out, working out, socializing, staying silent or even finance. Whatever it is you don't know how to do, prove yourself wrong because you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to.
24. Buy it yourself.
That expensive thing that you have been eying for a long time, buy it yourself. Stop waiting for someone to buy it for you. It's like you are investing in yourself. (Just don't go overboard and say that I told you🤭.)
25. Leave the past in the past.
Last but not least, let it go❄. If it happened in the past leave it in the past. There is absolutely no need to anchor yourself to what doesn't exist anymore. Travel through time light my friend.

That was my list of 25 things to be done before turning 25. They can be done anytime yet I would prefer to leave my older days to do bigger things. So tell me below how many did you do from these and share your list with me.