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Christmas town (day I)

Writer's picture: Eyomy EtogawaEyomy Etogawa

Good morning guys. How are you doing today? I hope the weather where you are is good as it's cold here. I'm still snuggled up in bed debating if I really really want to get out of it or not. Well, I didn't come here to snuggle up in bed, at least not alone. I'll get up now. I'm very eager to look around. I was dead tired yesterday that I remember barely making it to bed so let's see what we can do here before going into town and after coffee of course.

Oh,, what a wonderful place! The room is pretty cozy with a homey feeling to it. Let's walk around a little bit. It's so nice and white outside. Believe it or not, this is the first time for me to see snow and this is the first time for me to make a winter trip.

Walking is a little challenging and I guess I'm kinda underdressed but I think I'll cope with it till I go into town to buy something that will fit this weather. OMG, the interior here is so warm and farm like. Not that this is not a farm. It is a ranch after all. It's just new to me, visiting somewhere like here. Oh, I like the outside so much. I've decided. I'll spend the night here with some hot coco and a blanket. I wonder if I'll be the only one doing that. Wait, is this a camp fire?? Well, seems like I'm not the only one thinking that way. I wonder if they will use it tonight.

"Yes ma'am" Someone said from behind. "We use that every night. Yet, not on the snowy ones." The voice continues. I think that is directed to me so I think I should face whoever is talking. Oooooh man he is so handsome! 'Hi' I replied to him. Is that awkward? Should I have said something else?

"Hi" He replied with a wide smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting something." As if he would!

'No, not at all. I was just walking around till the breakfast gets ready.' I said.

"The breakfast is ready. We wake up much earlier than,,, now. But If you'd like I can give you a little tour till you order is ready. That's if you'd like of course." He is looking at me waiting for an affirmative answer I presume...

How would I know that they make breakfast so much earlier than now?! Good thing he made look less stupid I think, but man after a second look, he really looks super duper hot. He is tall, white, emerald eyes, dark brownish hair and a dreamy smile. Wait, he asked something didn't he? Now he definitely thinks I'm an idiot.

'Ya, sure, I'd love that. Sorry, not fully awaken yet.'

"Ha ha ha ha, figured that out myself. But pardon me for that question. Aren't you a bit cold?"

'In a matter of fact I figured that out myself too but I didn't pack the perfect proper outfits for this weather. I was hoping after breakfast to go shopping before sightseeing.'

"Oh, you are not from around here at all!"

'From the other side of the earth, you can say.'

"Well, in that case, I can take you if you want to. I know some great places. In a matter of fact, I know one of Santa's elf's, so,,," He winked. Ok, he is funny and cute. I think It'll be fun to be around a local, so,,,,,,, 'How can I say no to that. Please lead the way... Oh, I didn't get you name! I'm Eyomy by the way.'

"Oh, how did that happened! I'm Noah"

See you later guys....

OooooooooooK, hey guys. Sorry to leave you hanging. I was having so much fun talking with Noah. He really knows how to make me laugh. Save your eye rolling, We walked around the ranch and it's really very beautiful here. There are horses here and they are so beautiful. He told me a lot about this ranch. He is a close friend to the owners. He told me that there is karaoke in restaurant where I'm sitting now waiting for breakfast.

The campfire is at evening. In summer there is canoeing and fishing in the river. The scenic at the river is to die for. There are also horseshoe pits, horseback riding as well as hiking on trails. He also showed me some amazing pictures of this place in summer. It's crazy! If it wasn't already so darn splendid here now I'd have wanted to come in the summer. No wonder this place is called "Crazyhorse Ranch & Lodge". Here are the photos for you to see and there is my breakfast and coffee.

There we go. Since I've started my day on the right foot and now we are in his truck on our way to my first destination which is Santa Claus Museum & Village (we are going shopping afterwards.) Oooh I dunno what I expected but I didn't expect that! It's actually a mini village. There is the post office. Noah is telling me about the history of this town. He says that this town was called Santa Fe before having it's current name. Funny thing, the mail being sent to Santa is being sent here. I'm not buying that actually. I mean how is.....

There are litters to Santa in the museum!! They are from many different years and in many languages. Oh my! These ones are dated to 1940's and this one is from china. Oh how cute is this miniature town. Now I really want to enter the post office!

It's adorable. There are little desks to sit and write to Santa then put it in Santa's mail box. Noah is telling me that each year some elves volunteer to write back to all the children who write to Santa. I dunno if he is kidding with me or telling the truth. He smiles, laughs and tells so many jokes that I sometimes find it hard to tell if he is giving me a piece of information or telling another Santa related joke but either way I'm having so much fun. Next in the mini village is Santa church. I'm not sure if it's called that or not but it's a small rustic looking from outside church. It's nothing fancy from the inside but it's fascinating to see something that old and fragile still here till now. To warp that up there is a Santa's statue outside with a huge sack of presents. Here have a glance of the village.

That did take a chunk of time. Next on my list is shopping. Kindly Noah is leading the way and leaving me do all the shopping I want then meeting me for lunch afterwards. He keeps telling me about this great place that I have to try as it would turn my world upside down but that's a story for later. Now I'm on a hunt for a new coat.

The streets here are so festive as if they have just popped out of a Christmas movie. Christmas trees in every shop window, hot coco stands and lots and lots of white, red and green colors. What I can really admit is this town has no lack of Christmas tree and decorations. Even though it's quite and homey, I think it's what someone ca return to, as a home. I haven't gone shopping in a moment and I didn't think that this is the first thing I'd do once I'm here. Usually I reserve shopping till the very last day and I think I found my perfect holiday coat. I'll go and try it it. Hope it fits. Wowho, it fits like a glove. Didn't think this trip would be this fast. From the 3rd store!! That's fast. Now I can continue wandering in this movie scene till lunch time.

"I see you found what you are looking for. It looks fabulous on you." Noah said upon seeing me. Oh, I do love when men know how and when to complement.

'Thanks.' I said.

"Hope you are hungry."

'Very.' I said with a smile.

"Come on. I've reserved a table already."

Ooooh how fancy. We are now back in his truck for a couple minutes ride to St Nick's Restaurant, which to my surprise screams Christmas. I dunno why I'm in awe but this town is living up to it's name. Fill you in on my way out.

How cute was this place. If I didn't know better I'd say Noah is following some kind of books or articles including 101 ways to impress a girl. Well, because if he does, I'm really impressed and I want to know these tricks too. OK, OK the restaurant. As I was saying it is very Christmassy, family restaurant, cozy feeling with couple of lounge areas and the food is to die for. He was right. There were lots and lots of options but Noah was shocked that I've never tried sloppy joe so he insisted on ordering that for me. To be fair, after tasting it, I can't believe I never had it before. It was messy, I have to admit but in a good way.

Oh, one funny thing, Noah spotted one of Santa's elves skipping work and having lunch.

You are asking where are we going now? Right around that corner there is Santa's toys (I dunno if it's the elves' factory or is it just a shop) and Santa Claus Christmas store which are a must to visit according to Noah. Seems like I'll finish my Christmas shopping early on this trip.

Oh, this place has a cute window, so Christmassy (we should do something each time I say cute or Christmas,,, OK, make something warm and take a sip for each time you read these words.) I can't imagine the inside looking more Christmassy than that. It's just the outside. I mean it's just a shop,, right?

WRONG!!! That's a Christmas explosion. This place is sooooooo cute, delightful, charming and very very cheerful.

This place is like stepping into Christmas wonderland. I haven't seen these amount of cute stuff and Disney characters. I mean,,, can I buy the whole store? OH, NO, Wait! Is that taking pictures with Santa?????

"It is." Said Noah. "Would you like to take a picture? It's not everyday you see Santa..." He said laughing. I nodded shyly. That made him laugh more. We are waiting for some children to have their picture taken before Noah take my picture with Santa. I mean,,,, this is my first time taking a photo with Santa. It's a big deal to me. Do you think Noah thinks I'm childish?

I just had a though. If this is The Christmas store,, does that mean the toy store is different?

Noah said yes!! I need to see with my own eyes!

No, no, no, I didn't see this coming!! Well, ya, I did. It's a toy shop but. That's so cute. It really took the idea of the elves' workshop and used it right.

Well, it's a toy shop so it contains so many toys for all ages. I guess my age is allowed to get all the cute stuff and....... I LOVE THESE STUFFED ANIMALS AND THE SMALL ONES TOO.

Needless to say that Noah treats me now as an exhibition or a comedy movie. He is living and breathing for my reactions. I'm having fun so I'm letting him having his share of fun too.

Let me say, this day was so mush fun and I'm so ready for more but, I don't think this day is ready. It's way passed sunset which was at 4:30. Noah suggests ending today and continuing tomorrow. Well, its so dark and it's getting colder.

Oh what is that...... IS that a REINDEER?! Santa left one of his here!!!!!! How cute and sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I'm afraid to pet him,, oh sorry her. This place is full of surprises. Speaking of surprises. The working post office for the town is here as well. I can't see inside as it's closed now but Noah is telling me that it has a Christmas tree all year round and it's in its' best look around this time of the year. What a shame I couldn't see it. That nutcracker is cute too. (Side note: please ignore the fact that the pictures are in the daylight and the story timing is at night. I couldn't find more suitable pictures.)

I'll end it here and meet you tomorrow. I'm going back now with Noah.

God!!! you won't believe what happened. I'm in bed now. When we came back I thought that the day ended but we sat with the others at the ranch around the campfire. I was so excited. They talked about their day and told so many stories about the town and it's history, especially because most of the people sitting were tourists. We toasted hotdogs, marshmallows and made s'mores. I'm so full!

To tell you the truth, I've never had s'more before and it was delicious. This trip is checking so many first boxes for me. What I couldn't believe is that I didn't see all the decorations here this morning.

Well, the situation has been rectified... all of the situations. I had so much fun today. I hope you did too. See you tomorrow then.


Have fun

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