3:35am Borg El Arab Airport - Alexandria
Ho ho ho guys, hope you missed me because I sure did miss you a lot. Christmas is right around the corner so I thought I'll do what I do each year. I'll stay at home drinking tons and tons of hot coco and binge watch hallmark romantic cringy Christmas movies. Oh sorry that was only last year. The years before that I was studying for the upcoming exams but fortunately not anymore. This year I'm not staying home either. I thought a normal trip to a winter destination was in order but I'd love to take it up a notch. Soooooooooo,,, I'm bringing you along with me to the one and the only place, the appropriate one for a December romantic movie like trip. We are going to Santa Claus city and no I'm not talking bout the north pole. I'm already on my way there. Not directly there. It'll be quiet a trip. I'm back in the Turkish airlines. Lovely Istanbul here I come.
6:55am Istanbul Airport (IST) - Istanbul
SOOOO early. Coffee..... Skip the Turkish coffee I am here for a double espresso.
Hello from the land of the living. I'm up and wide awake and wondering what to do in the next couple of hours till my next flight at 3 pm. I need to return to the airport by 1 pm at least so that leaves me with about 5 and half hours minus couple of minutes at maximum, which is too much time to spend at the airport. Should I go out to the city? Well, why not. Walking around will kill some time and it's not like I'm new here.
OK,,, I don't want to visit the mosques as I had enough of them already. What I didn't try yet was the Hamam experience. I want to explore a new district. OH, I found a one with a reservation at 8:30 am. I think today is my lucky day. It's just about time to go too.
I'm here I am at 'Kılıç Ali Paşa Hamamı'. I really like the exterior. Lets' go inside and I'll tell you what I reserved.
What a fancy looking place. I reserved a Traditional Turkish Hamam and a Massage. Shall we talk after I finish? See ya...
Oh my god!! Where do I start? First of all I have to admit that I did take all the right decisions. The first right decision was coming here! Everything else follows. Lets go back to the very beginning of my fear to bath in public. No no, not that public but bath with other people around. I'm really glad that there are separate hours for men and women not just separate places and I'm happier that I could come here this early in the morning. Men's time starts around 4:30 pm. I'll spare you the rambling and go into the details.
Right after I entered the lounge area, I was offered a cold refreshment and was given a pair of flip flops and a pestamal (which is a special towel used in Turkish baths). It was required to wear a bikini and not to wander naked around the wet area of the hamam which I was glad for two things. One for the idea. Second for my overpacking, once in my life. (You know,,, because I'm having a winter vacation.)
Anyway, I'll spare you the details too and say it was a very relaxing experience. The ladies working there were so helpful. The massage was a part of heaven. The marble interior gave a luxury feeling. (That's if the place didn't give that feeling enough.) After that I was led to the lounge area to relax on the comfortable sofas for as long as I wanted which I'm doing now. I need to come back to reality. Like I kid you not, I can't feel my body. It's as if I'm 50Kg lighter. This is the most relaxing and purifying experience I ever had. Time flew by, I can't believe it's past 10 am. I think I'll indulge on some cookies here. It's that time of the year anyway then I'll put on my makeup and resume my trip.
Did I tell you how glad I'm for this experience? Because I truly am, especially between flights. My next stop is not that near but never the least interesting. It's an interesting choice for sure, I'm telling you. A 15 minutes ride from here is a vehicle museum. It's dedicated to the history of transport, industry and communications. I like that there isn't so much people even though it's not that early. That depends on if you consider 11 am early or not. Well, I have to admit, the district from outside feels like a scene from an old western movie. It's quite old looking and peaceful. (The red bricks are the reason for that feeling,,, maybe). Anyway let's not waste more time and go inside.
Well well well,, I'm quite impressed. To be honest I didn't think much of this place but the vast area of this place is quite astonishing and I have only just passed the gates. OK, why don't we start there, at that building. I can see some cars inside. WOW,,,,, THOSE VANTAGE CARS are AMAZING. So sparkly and shiny, supposedly old but well kept in a way better than a new one. OOOOOH, can't I take one out with me??
Mmmmmmm, which door should I choose? I'd take this one, why not? I'll be back for you all later, wait for me... Ooooooh look, a mini model house!!! How cute! Wait! Is that an airplane above my head?!! That's magnificent! Those miniature houses are right in my ally. Oooh, I don't wanna leave but there is "undersea" written on a sign. That's cute. Undersea diving suits, small equipments and pictures of fishes. Oh, there is a mini astronomy corner. Not much to see but..... Is that what I think it is?? CAR FIXING AND ROBOTS!!! OK, not fixing but lots and lots of motors and Mr. and Mrs. robot, how cute.
Let's get some vitamin D shall we? Well, that's a poor excuse for going out to continue watching but bear with me. OMG you are not ready for all of that!! Lots of ships, old submarines, boats, buses, more cars, different types of engines and planes. The street here is looking as if it's out of a western movie again but by the sea. I'm pretty sure I'm in someone's heaven. Maybe not mine in any age as I've always been a doll girl but non the least I'm in awe.
I do enjoy watching engines as well, I'm a mechanical engineer after all. OK Istanbul, I have to admit, you don't fail to surprise me every time I'm here. OH look trains!! I have to say they may have all types of trains in here but one. The Hogwarts train and the self pulling carriage but they have thestrals pulling them are missing from their collection which is a total shame. There more more things that I can describe so why don't you join me?
I truly enjoyed my time here beyond imagination. It felt like a time travel which I always up to. If I had more time, I'd be here all day... OMG, look at the time. I think I'll grab a small bite and be out of here or I'll miss my real plane.
OH MY!! I barely made it. It's 2:30pm now. I got my luggage and I'm boarding the plane which will take off in half an hour. See you in Chicago.
5:55pm O'Hare Intl. (ORD) - Chicago.
That was a looooong flight. 12 hours aren't a joke. I feel grumpy, kinda nasty (I can't imagine myself if I hadn't went to that Hamam back in Istanbul) and above all I'm hungry. AND before you say so, YES! I'm always hungry. With all of that I want to go into Chicago but I'm here for only 3 hours. But WOW, let me say, this airport is so beautiful. It has some futuristic architecture to it and I love it. I'll walk around find food again before boarding my final flight which will land in Indianapolis at 10pm.
10:00pm Indianapolis Intl. (IND) - Indianapolis Indiana.
Hey guys, Not much has happened since I last updated you in Chicago. I only made a reservation for a cab and a place to stay for the night.
Can you believe I'm 2 and half hours ride away from my Christmas wonderland?!
Now I'm waiting for my ride. I decided to stay in a ranch which is about an hour away from the town. That's the only one I could find a reservation in this time of year. So,, see you tomorrow?