Why would we fall in love again if we are already in a relationship? Could it be ambition? Or is it unsatisfaction?
Johnny Depp once said "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
Does it really mean that we didn't love the first one? Or is it we didn't love them enough? Or we didn't love them at all? Or that we have loved them once but we are not that in love anymore? Or is it that we have changed? Maybe it's us or our taste. Or is it that we just lust for love? Maybe our love became practical, we want to go back to our fantasy, to when the love was still young and the spirit was still free. Maybe we want those pink dreamy days again. Maybe it's our fault or is it the other person's fault that they let our love slip through the cracks? Or is it an unspoken truth that love fades by the time that? Sometimes we are in relationships not because we are in love but because we feel safe. It's pretty convenient isn't it? We find something or someone who is good, reliable and treats us well. I mean what else do anyone in this world wants more than that? But when the time goes by we find what we are really passionate about. Does that justify us leaving the first love for second love? Or should we sacrifice our new joy and passion for the sake of the first love? Does the first option makes us selfish? Or does a second one makes us stupid? Can't we compromise? I mean, is there even compromising in love? What would it be, going out with the two of them? Wouldn't that be called an affair? Well I mean in general, wouldn't it be allowed to have a change of mind or even a change of heart? Heart wants what it wants, right? Aren't we allowed to grow up and grow apart. I don't mean anything bad by that... Well,,, it is simply, exactly what it sounds like. I mean people can change, we are people, we are allowed to change too.
So to sum it up,,, is it our fault? Is it the first person that we fell in love with fault? Or is it the second one's fault? Or is it love's fault?
Does a situation like this makes us opportunists? Does that strip us of our every right to ever fall in love?
Nothing is fair, neither Life nor Love. Let me tell you that we cannot interfere with the matter of hearts because as far as I know, the hearts wants what it wants.

Unfiltered from my diary....