I was sitting so far way from home looking for peace ,, holding all the notes I can gather and sat to study . Looking so concentrated like " seriously I can do it " , I just heard it. There were laughter and noise around that corner , I tried to ignore it at first but that fatal resistance started to fade away till I gave up. I lose myself in that pleasure till everything around me started to fall , that tear I held , that sadness I kept even the pen I was holding ,, suddenly I missed. I didn't recognize what happened till I found that it's already dark and that place is empty ,, no more laughter, no more noise ,,,
Since it became too late , I had to head home . So I gather what was left of me , that pen on the ground along with those notes that I don't know what was in them till now and I started walking ,,,,,,,, Don't know what happened after that but when I checked my mobile I found it an Hour and Half later and I'm in front of my house..... What happened , how did I reach here , I dunno ,,, seems like my feet knows where to go but my mind is still there ,,,, With that noise and these laughter that I once tried to ignore .
