There was once a beautiful peacock in a very far away land, he had the silkiest feathers, the most stunning colors with a large shining tail. The peacock was so happy with himself, he loved to brag with his looks a lot, so from time to time he loved to go to the large lake where the rest of the peacocks loved to hang out. He couldn’t help but noticing that there were some peacocks wearing dried leaves to cover their feathers .It was so funny to him as they looked like the clothes that the human worn but strange enough that they blended well among the others. There were some others peacocks with colorful beautiful large feathers but they weren’t among the rest. They were with each other on a far side of the lake like different swarm. our beautiful peacock looked up to them and would have loved to be one of them but he felt that they looked more beautiful and they looked special and distant so he was afraid that if he approached them, they will scare him away but their existence wasn’t the only thing that put our friend in dilemma, the rest of the peacocks were plain looking with average size to small tail, their colors weren’t too vibrant but in fact most of them didn’t have colors at all which made our friends feel awkward as how different he was from them. He felt like the black sheep among them and he felt that feeling was mutual.
The beautiful peacock started feeling bad and questioning himself about the reason of his difference from the rest.
He didn’t like that feeling so he decided to change himself to make his tail appear small. He stayed in the mud for long period of time to make his color stained and less vibrant. He started wearing dried leaves to cover his color too.
After a long period of time and so many trials, some are successful and others are total failure, he became plain, no tail and no colors just like the rest of the peacock or even less.
The other peacocks still didn’t like him, they felt that he was plain and less beautiful than them so he doesn’t deserve to be among them so they asked the ugly peacock to stay away.
The end.
